Our solution: A Cloud Structural Engineering Software
We were tired of software accessible only from the office desktop computers. Computers that in the end were never powerful enough to run the calculations quickly.
When they were, they would become obsolete after only a couple of years. And, when finally you decided to buy a new computer, you needed to go find the licenses, reinstall all programs and keep them updated.
Not with WeStatiX! To be a full cloud-based software means:
- Software always accessible, from any device, even from smartphones;
- No program installation;
- Total data security;
- No heavy requirements on your hardware.

WeStatiX is a web application for structural analysis that allows you to perform finite element simulations directly in the web browser.
To perform a calculation you just need to connect to WeStatiX, get a Free account and start working.
With the thee-dimensional CAD user interface available in WeStatiX you can build any kind of structural model in a few minutes. After that, define material properties, supports and loads and run the analysis.
What’s different with a cloud-based software?
The calculation will be performed on a remote server, and the results will be immediately sent back to your browser, where you can analyze them.
You have at your disposal a cloud storage to save your projects, without filling up your computer with Gigabytes of result files that also need frequent back-ups.
No need VPN to access the software license, nor a laptop computer with the FE software to run the calculation. After all, we are all familiar with calls from colleagues during our well-deserved holidays, right?
A simple tablet or a smartphone is sufficient to access WeStatiX and to have everything at your disposal, same as you were in the office.
You can also bring the software with you to a meeting, or to the building site. You can check the analysis results, or even make last-minute adjustments, right on the spot.
Join the Structural Engineering Community
A cloud-based software like WeStatiX allows you to share your virtual model with your colleagues and friends. Benefit from the Public Projects available in the WeStatiX library.
You can check out other simulation models and select a structure similar to the one you are designing. Verify the trend of the internal forces, bending moment and shear force diagrams, deflection, reaction forces and much more.
You can also use the public structural models as templates. You can make a copy of the project, modify it in order to fit your own requirements, and share it with your colleagues to check or review the calculation.
Have fun calculating your structure in the browser!